Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Boyfriend :)

March 9th is getting closer, and I'm super excited because my wonderful boyfriend is coming to see me for a week during his spring break at school. :) I'm so lucky he loves me enough to spend all that money (because coming to France ain't cheap..) The only sad part is that even though he is on spring break I, however, am not. So I will be stuck attending very boring classes the entire week he's here. On a brighter note at least they are mostly all morning classes, so lord knows since he's a lazy boy he'll sleep half the day away anyways.

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Me and my Boyfriend :)
The only problem I'm having now is planning the trip to Paris to get him. In order to meet him when his plane arrives that Saturday I'd have to stay in Paris the night before, and I don't really like the idea of doing all that traveling and such alone, especially since it would be cheaper with a friend to help pay for half the hotel cost. You'd think it would be easy to find a friend who wants to stay the night in Paris and go sight seeing the whole next day, but no.. They're all busy or something's come up. :( I suppose I'll figure something out soon.

Also, I kinda want to do something that would surprise him to see when he gets here, but I'm not sure what to do. I thought about getting my lip pierced but I'm afraid since he'll be here in less than a week my lip would still be too puffy and swollen to even give him a proper kiss hello. Then I thought about just getting another tattoo, since I know I want another anyways, but tattoos are surprisingly expensive here in France. My last option was to go back blonde. Since he liked me as a blonde, seeing as how that was the color of my hair when we first met. So many options, but not sure what to do.

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This is me as a blonde :)

1 comment:

  1. Aww! You two are cute! I hope you have a good trip and time together :)
